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MERN Authentication - Login, Register, Verification Email, Forget Password, User Name & Logout on Navbar

In The React Side :  The folder structure will be : Lets start from App.js  On this file we will be adding routing , install the package react-router-dom : import './App.css' ; import React from 'react' ; import {   BrowserRouter as Router ,   Routes ,   Route ,   Link } from "react-router-dom" ; import Signup from './components/Signup' ; import Signin from './components/Signin' ; import Home from './components/Home' ; import ForgetPassword from './components/ForgetPassword' ; import NewSubmit from './components/NewSubmit' ; function App () {   return (     < div >       < Router >         < Routes >           < Route path = "/signup" element = { < Signup /> } />           < Route path = "/signin" element = { < Signin /> } />           < Route path = "/" element = { < Home /> } />           < Route